The Music Education Research Group – Kenya is a group of individuals who come together to deliberate upon, provide information on and inform policy and practice on matters that relate to and/or involve music as an academic, socio-cultural and educational phenomenon. As a member organization, MERG-Kenya relies on the ideas and resources from its members to guide and support its activities. MERG-Kenya is a non-profit professional association whose principle jurisdiction is the Republic of Kenya.
The mission of MERG-Kenya is to strengthen music education in Kenya through research, which will inform education and practice.
MERG-Kenya’s vision is to be a vibrant hub for interrogation and collaboration towards attainment of social and economic empowerment through music for all.
MERG-Kenya has a Board of Directors that is the representative of the organisation and, as such, conducts the affairs of the Society. The Board holds and administers all of the property and funds of the Society.
MERG-Kenya is a member of the Council of Professional Associations of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) with whom they have an MoU that spells out the terms of the partnership. MERG-Kenya welcomes opportunities for collaboration in research and scholarship around music and music education.